My Space was the second project I received at Archip. Unlike the previous project, this one required a 3D model. The brief was generally to design a space that I would like to spend one month in. It had to fit into the given space in the brief, which was an area between two columns and a wall with one window in the school.

Archip Studio Space
We were pushed to develop a strong concept to base our design off of. I began with many different ideas all based on what I liked and was interested in. I figured it was my space so it should include everything I like. Then I began scaling back and I decided to make my dream bedroom and a front cafe/bar. After my first consultation I realized I needed to get more conceptual and let the physical shape take form out of the conceptual idea.
I was then asked to write down a little bit about myself and my basic concept. Here is what I wrote:
I believe that between my parents, my education, and who I am, I have a balance of skills and interests. Most prominently I would consider myself a functionalist –I believe that function is the ultimate designer– and most recently I have come to the conclusion that form is function. I follow a few somewhat contradictory ideas, namely that I should be selfish for everyone else, and that I must develop a strong human ego through collaboration. I think contradictions hold the greatest insights, because every problem is an opportunity in disguise. But despite the ease with which I find myself dreaming up fantastic buildings in my own mind, I feel that the sole purpose, and defining aspect of architecture is to solve problems, and not only the one proposed by the client, but all those which are perceivable by human experience.
1) Simple
2) Sound
3) Paper
4) Plant
5) Breath1) The space is complex in simplicity. 2) Sound is diffused by the circular nature of the interior. 3) Natural paper is used as the building material in order to achieve simple construction and compatibility with nature. 4) Air quality is enhanced through the generation of oxygen and the filtering of the air by three special plants, Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), Mother-in-Law's Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata), and Money plant (Epipremnum aureum). 5) The spaces breaths on many levels; the breath of the plants, the breath in of the circular reading, work, and sleep spaces, and the breath out of the open central atrium.
Materials: Paper, light, sound, cloth. I hope to purvey the experience of lightness and openness, as well as privateness and warmth. I see it as the breath of life in the space, finding open, bright, airy spaces, with the equal balance of enclosed, cozy, warm spaces. This also meshes the private and public spaces, bringing them each to one another's doorsteps.
Out of these five key ideas I distilled my concept, and this is how to took shape.
Published by: kasimir.suterwinter in Archip